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Breastfeeding Classes
Breastfeeding Class
with Lisa Wright
The Breastfeeding Class is taught by an Certified Lactation Counselor to expecting parents. This one evening class will help educate expecting parents about the art of breastfeeding and its benefits for mom, baby, and dad. Learn how to have a positive experience and get breastfeeding off to a good start with proper latch-on techniques, nursing positions, engorgement prevention, and expression & storage of breast milk.
**This course is for adults only, please find a sitter if you have younger children.
This course is taught at the Madison Memorial Training Center located at 393 E. 2nd N. (EAST ENTRANCE), this is NOT located at the main hospital.
**To avoid a duplicate registration, when asked “Who will be attending?” it is important that you only choose yourself. You will be asked to provide the name of your partner/support person on a subsequent screen**