with Lisa Wright
This is a five-week course with sessions lasting two and a half hours each. This is ideal for those who are looking for a natural approach to childbirth. This class will teach techniques for relaxation and visualization.
You will learn how to develop a calm approach to pregnancy that will enable you to work in harmony with your body and your baby and prepare you for a shorter, safer, easier, and more comfortable birth for you and your baby.
This class can be taken any time after 20 weeks of pregnancy and is taught by a Certified HypnoBirthing® Practitioner who is affiliated with the HypnoBirthing® Institute. A tour of the Family Maternity Center at Madison Memorial Hospital is also included.
Please wear comfortable clothes and bring two pillows and a birthing partner to class.
**To avoid a duplicate registration, when asked “Who will be attending?” it is important that you only choose yourself. You will be asked to provide the name of your partner/support person on a subsequent screen**
Madisonhealth - Rexburg Medical Center
393 East 2nd North
Rexburg, ID 83440
Get directions
Room: Palisades Room