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Prenatal Classes
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Childbirth Class Saturday
with Lisa Wright
Plan on taking this during your last trimester.
This all day Saturday class is taught by a Certified International Childbirth Educator and it includes breathing and relaxation techniques, the labor partner’s role, the process of labor and delivery, medication choices during labor, the post-partum period care of Mom, and newborn care. A tour of the Family Maternity Center at Madison Memorial is also included.
(If you prefer, this same course is available in our Childbirth Series. This same content is covered, but that option spreads them out into smaller class times over 4 weeks.)
Please bring to class a sack lunch and snacks for the day, two pillows for comfort, a labor coach, and wear comfortable clothes.
**To avoid a duplicate registration, when asked “Who will be attending?” it is important that you only choose yourself. You will be asked to provide the name of your partner/support person on a subsequent screen**
Breastfeeding Class
with Lisa Wright
The Breastfeeding Class is taught by an Certified Lactation Counselor to expecting parents. This one evening class will help educate expecting parents about the art of breastfeeding and its benefits for mom, baby, and dad. Learn how to have a positive experience and get breastfeeding off to a good start with proper latch-on techniques, nursing positions, engorgement prevention, and expression & storage of breast milk.
**This course is for adults only, please find a sitter if you have younger children.
This course is taught at the Madison Memorial Training Center located at 393 E. 2nd N. (EAST ENTRANCE), this is NOT located at the main hospital.
**To avoid a duplicate registration, when asked “Who will be attending?” it is important that you only choose yourself. You will be asked to provide the name of your partner/support person on a subsequent screen**
Early Prenatal Class
with Lisa Wright
This class is taught once a month and is designed to give education to expecting mothers at their 12-24 weeks of pregnancy.
It provides tools to help prepare for a great pregnancy by focusing on physical and emotional changes, nutrition and exercise and stress relief techniques. This class is taught by an ICEA Certified Childbirth Educator.
**To avoid a duplicate registration, when asked “Who will be attending?” it is important that you only choose yourself. You will be asked to provide the name of your partner/support person on a subsequent screen**
Childbirth Class Series
with Robyn Baker
This is the childbirth class taught in a multi-day series. It is important that you be able to attend every session in order to get the information and experience you are expecting from a childbirth class.
Class Outline:
- Breathing and relaxation techniques
- Birthing partner’s role
- Process of labor and delivery
- Medication choices during labor
- Post-partum period care of Mom
- Newborn care.
A tour of the Family Maternity Center at Madison Memorial is also included.
Please wear comfortable clothes and bring two pillows and a birthing partner to class.
**To avoid a duplicate registration, when asked “Who will be attending?” it is important that you only choose yourself. You will be asked to provide the name of your partner/support person on a subsequent screen**